Thanks for the great effort so far on the blanket - I'm so excited to share the first 8 squares, roughly laid out on my dining room table! Woot! It was so hard to sit through the whole night knowing they were in my bag and not sneaking a peek...
I'm thrilled with the way they look so far - the two light pinks are more distinct knit up than they seemed in the ball, so that's great. I'm still planning on shopping for a different color for the borders, as the strawberry pink is just too orange. I may make it out Sunday. I'll keep you posted.
I will be out of town next week, leaving Wednesday, so if you're still working on your square, don't worry about delivering it till the week after next. It worked pretty well this week hanging my red bag on my chair and having people drop in their finished pieces... felt a little like valentines day back in grade school tho! We'll go for the same thing when I get back, and maybe I'll try sitting a little farther from Angelica...
As always, thanks for your work on this. I know she will love it.