Happy First day of Spring
We had 8 inches of snow this week and it was beautiful. The sun is shinning bright and it is a beautiful day.
Sock Madness
It is official, I am on Team Folo Foxglove. The pattern for round 2 should be released in the next 48 hours. Beads and cable needle were mentioned in the supply list.
Round one - Slip Stripe Spiral
Cascade and yarn that I dyed at SSK
Made a wee mini sweater for a Starfleet project using leftovers from a sock. I LOVE String Theory Colorworks Continuum Self Striping yarn.
There is a new toy in the house. A Schacht Mini Loom.
I absolutely love Aplaca with a Twist. Bought this yarn YEARS ago and made a cable mitten LOVE how the yarn shows cables. This is White Dwarf by Amy Miller
A few of us have decided to dig out our "Precious" yarn and finally use it. So here is my selection of Precious.
I am thinking of making Pretty Thing by Stephanie Pearl-McPhee with the Qiviuk and a Brioche pattern with the grey/blue mink. With the lace mink, thinking an Orenburg lace pattern. The green fingering is so pretty but I have not been able to find a pattern that is worthy.
There was a quilt show. It was the 30th anniversary and in honor several of the members made Dear Jane quilts. They never really interested me much before, primarily due to the dull colors that are typically used. There were at least 20 Dear Jane quilts at the show. My two favorite are below. Both were made with bright colors. The rainbow batik is so bright and happy to me and I love the bright with the brown background and the multiple size blocks. After seeing the show, must admit to the crazy and a desire to make one now.
Went to a quilting retreat. It was great because it was in the store, so there was no hotel or flight which was nice. The first project I made was smaller, but wanted to make sure I had at least one finished object. So I made this little basket.
Spent the rest of the time working on Jelly Stars (Amish Stars) They took much longer than I expected, but were so much fun. Now I am trying decide if I want to do a border / with or without cornerstones (thinking of pinwheels from the left overs from making the stars). So I am putting it in time out while I think about it.
Finished the first and second Block for the Midwest Trail Barn Quilt Block of the Month
Justquiltin is hosting a Quilt Along - Barn Dance. Finished the first part.
Put the Moda blocks back up on my design wall and was working on that. It is going to be so big. WAY too big for my design wall. I have been taking pictures of the blocks (most of them) and adding them to the placement diagram. I have all the blocks that are larger than 6" complete and sewn together So I folded everything up and put it away. There are 30 of the 6" blocks left to make. Now that all the big pieces are done and sewn together, I am just going to chip away at the rest.